Translating business trends for the classroom: As we learn from the business community, we want to share that information with our own community of educators and business professionals. One topic repeatedly highlighted in our business focus panels is supply chain management (SCM). We’ve dedicated a three-part series to the topic.
Our newest Action Brief, The Value of Data Analytics in Supply Chain Processes, is now available!
We recommend pairing this Action Brief with the following performance indicators (PIs) and lesson modules (LAPs):
- NF:139 Explain the principles of data analysis (SP)
- OP:303 Discuss the nature of supply chain management (SP) | LAP-OP-303
- OP:305 Describe supply chain management strategies (SP)
- OP:478 Describe the impact of technology on supply chain management (SP)
The second Action Brief in our SCM series, The Emergence of AI as an Essential Supply Chain Tool, is available. Consider pairing with the following PIs and LAPs:
- OP:477 Explain the impact of supply chains on business performance (SP) | LAP-OP-477
- OP:478 Describe the impact of technology on supply chain management (SP)
- OP:499 Evaluate risk factors and trends affecting supply chain systems (e.g., sustainability, geopolitical volatility, cyber security, artificial intelligence, automation) (SP)
The third Action Brief, Building a Resilient Supply Chain in the Face of Geopolitical Uncertainty, is available. Consider pairing with these resources:
- OP:303 Discuss the nature of supply chain management (SP) | LAP-OP-303
- OP:479 Describe supply chain networks (SP)
- OP:499 Evaluate risk factors and trends affecting supply chain systems (e.g., sustainability, geopolitical volatility, cyber security, artificial intelligence, automation) (SP)
- OP:677 Discuss ethical considerations in supply chain management (SP) | LAP-OP-677
How to access: We post our newest Action Briefs on our website, while the full archive is available on State’s Connection, organized by trend category.